Creative Caregiving Guide

Imagine a world where every caregiving act contributes to the quality of life of the person living with dementia and their caregivers.

The Creative Caregiving Guide© was created by the National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA). The Guide is filled with short video lessons that guide users through hands-on learning experiences, from paintings, poetry, music, storytelling, to drama and dance exercises. It is a FREE, community-shared, web-based resource specially designed for family and professional caregivers of adults who live with Alzheimer’s disease and related cognitive disorders.

Using any available computer, tablet, or smartphone you and your care partner can experience caregiving practices that are filled with creativity, connection, and vitality!

Creative Caregiving Lessons

Visual Art Lessons

January 4, 2023

Create beautiful paintings or discuss artwork by famous artists


Music Lessons

January 4, 2023

Create activities around familiar songs

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