OMA Facilitator Training Course: January – February 2025

December 3, 2024
Current Status
Not Enrolled (2 places remaining)
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Welcome to the OMA Facilitator Training Course. You are about to embark on a training program that will change how you think and design creative arts programming for people living with dementia. You will also learn how to train volunteers so they can effectively connect with people who have dementia. Completion of both the online training and the in-person/online practicum is required to receive OMA facilitator certification.

Pacing and Dates: This course is called “self-paced with set goals.” This means that each week, you have a certain number of lessons to complete at your own pace. You can work at your own pace and resume where you stop as long as you complete the lessons before our weekly live sessions. Please consult emails from your instructors regarding the specific deadline to complete these lessons.

Outline: This online portion of the course is set up into 4 lessons below.

  1. Lesson 1: Volunteer Training: Introduction to OMA and how to prepare OMA volunteers
  2. Lesson 2: Artist Training: Principles behind failure-free art activities designed for people with dementia
  3. Lesson 3: Facilitator Training: What you need to know to conduct the OMA program
  4. Lesson 4: Implementation: Additional resources for you to launch the OMA program

Closed Captions/Subtitles: If you want to read subtitles while watching the video clips, please click on “Watch on YouTube” on the bottom of the videos and then click on “CC” while watching it on YouTube.

Quizzes: Periodically there will be quizzes to check your understanding. You need 100% correct before you can continue to the next topic. You can retake the quizzes multiple times.

Mark complete: At the end of each lesson, please click on “Mark Complete” on the bottom right of the page before advancing to the next lesson. This will allow the system to record your progress in the course.

Art supplies needed in this course: We have sent you most of the supplies that you will need but you still need to get a few things to create non-representational abstract art. Examples may include types of paint/ink, brushes, markers, scissors, collage pieces, etc. You will be utilizing supplies starting at Lesson 2.4.

Feedback: Your instructors will review your online work and provide feedback during the weekly live sessions. These online lessons need to be completed before the in-person/online practicum takes place.

Weekly Live Sessions: There will be TWO mandatory virtual meetings EVERY WEEK. The first weekly live session will be in your small groups scheduled at the group members’ convenience. The second weekly live sessions are with the OMA Trainers on designated days/times. Check our website or communication from the trainers for the exact days/times and Zoom links. You will receive an invitation to join these meetings via email. If you have never used Zoom before, please go here for instructions to join a Zoom meeting.

Practicum: After completing this portion of the online training, you will need to attend an in-person/online practicum. Below are the contact persons for logistical questions about the practicum.

Fully online training or Tel. 513-529-1701

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